As your business grows, it becomes increasingly essential to become space efficient. Even if you plan on expansion, you can never get enough if your company’s space management practices are not up to par. Here’s a short guide to tell you why space optimisation is crucial, and how a smart workplace utilises its space effectively.
Why Is Space Optimisation Important?
You can remain flexible with your database and the quality of your staff. Yet, space is a physical feature that you can’t affect with digital solutions or training. According to recent statistics, a typical real estate can save up to 75% on its running and maintenance costs with adequate space optimisation.

What Are 5 Ways To Make the Most of Your Company’s Space?
If you desire to make the most of your company’s space, there are a few methods that you can apply. Those include the following.
1. Open the Windows and Binds
It may sound like a commercial for kids, but fresh air and sunlight can do wonders for a smart office. When you open the windows and binds, it means you save up on cooling/heating systems, allowing natural elements to replace them. You also gain the advantage of saving on your electricity bills.
2. Add More Plants
Plants within the workplace or other defined areas can enable the circulation of fresh air without a powered ventilation system. They keep the humidity in check and increase the average oxygen concentration, which is a cause for concern for most offices. Moreover, plants don’t occupy too much space and are convenient to replace if you require modifications.
3. Prioritise Comfort and Cleanliness
As per Toyota’s operations management, comfort and cleanliness should be the property of any facility manager. It helps to train your workers in a routine that keeps their workstations clean and organised. That increases efficiency massively and provides them with extra space from reducing the clutter around them. However, the floor manager must also pay attention to the tasks of the cleaning crews and ensure that there are convenient dustbins placed around the office.
4. Apply Practical Technology
There are several technological advantages that you can reap to create a smart workplace. You can use RFID-based toolboxes and NFC-enabled data servers to save on cumbersome equipment and wasteful inventory stocks. Even a simple plastic recycling machine can assist with saving space for more vital resources.

5. Gain Feedback From the Staff/Visitors
Regardless of what measures you consider, only the people on the ground can inform you about the genuine conditions. Thus, it’s best to set up an anonymous and inclusive feedback system that allows your employees to state facts without the fear of persecution. In addition, you can provide feedback forms to your visitors on how you can enhance your facility experience further.
Overall, space optimisation is a crucial feature if you desire to create a genuinely smart office. We hope this guide provides you with the necessary information that you can apply to your facility. Still, a few of the solutions might require input from a specialised service that has the necessary resources and experience. On that front, Qbasis can be the ideal choice for your company. Whether you require a robust asset tracking system or efficiency with energy management, we can create a package that suits your budget. Connect with us for a free quote today.